As with the rest of the country, Staten Island is experiencing a crisis with addiction and substance use disorders. Addiction affects people from all ethnic and racial backgrounds, ages, genders, and economic backgrounds. You may feel like you or your family is the one dealing with the issue, but it’s actually a widespread issue that has been increasing steadily for several years.

Staten Island

In 2021, there were 146 overdose deaths in Staten Island, or about 39 people per 100,000 residents. Residents aged 35 to 54 experienced the highest rate of deaths, with white males leading the statistics. Fentanyl and heroin were the most prevalent substances, followed by cocaine and Benzodiazepines. However, overdose deaths are not the only issue with addiction and substance use disorders. Drug and alcohol addictions can cause other physical and mental health issues, damage family and friend relationships, and create financial issues such as job loss, legal problems, and homelessness.

When you’re ready to heal and lead a drug-free life, professional rehabilitation services can help you on this path. Professional treatment programs provide a number of benefits that increase your chances of success, including treating withdrawal symptoms, providing individual and group counseling, and offering aftercare support.

Recognizing the Need for Rehab

How do you know when it’s time for rehab, or that drug dependency has become more than a casual problem? Some typical signs of dependency include:

  • Feeling that you need to use the drug frequently
  • Constantly thinking about your next high, whether it’s locating drugs or waiting for your next opportunity.
  • Needing to use more and more to get the same effect.
  • Continuing to use even when you know it’s causing problems.
  • Engaging in risky behaviors such as drunk driving
  • Doing things you normally wouldn’t such as stealing.
  • Spending money you can’t afford to obtain drugs.
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

If you’re concerned your loved one might have an addiction, signs to watch for include:

  • Changes in behavior such as secrecy, isolation, or relationship issues.
  • Unexplained weight gain or loss
  • Appearance changes such as neglecting grooming
  • Problems at school or work.
  • Physical health changes like red eyes, increased tiredness, or lack of motivation.

While some symptoms could be signs of other problems such as depression or other mental health issues, it’s important to seek help. As with any illness, early intervention is significant to help your recovery journey, so don’t delay seeking treatment. However, even if you’ve been struggling with addiction for a long time, it’s never too late to seek help.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Rehab Center

It can be overwhelming to consider which rehab center is the right choice, and there are a number of factors to consider.


First, choosing a treatment center near Staten Island can be convenient for aftercare or outpatient programs, and it can allow for family counseling if appropriate. Benefits include:

  • Familiar environments can foster recovery.
  • Stay close to your family and any support systems.
  • Easily integrate post-treatment options.
  • Keep working if you choose outpatient therapy
  • Reduced expenses such as travel costs

Treatment Modalities Offered

There are a number of available treatment approaches, including outpatient, inpatient, medication assistance, detox, and holistic modalities. With an inpatient program, you’ll stay at a facility for a certain period of time, typically from 30 to 90 days. During this period, you’ll experience individual therapy, group therapy, and introduction to a recovery program. Depending on your needs, there may be medical treatments such as detox or medication assisted therapies. There are also long-term residential programs where you’d stay from six to 12 months for intensive treatments.

With an outpatient program, you stay at home but attend programs at various times throughout the day. In an Partial Hospitalization Program(PHP), you’d attend sessions for several hours a day, then return home in the evening. With Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP), you might attend meetings in the evenings several days a week, which allows you to continue working during the day.

Either inpatient or outpatient programs could include holistic treatment options to help with withdrawal symptoms, stress management, or underlying mental and physical health options. Examples could include yoga, meditation, acupuncture, or chiropractic services.

Specialized Programs

Do you need or want treatment designed for a specific group? There are programs available for veterans, women, men, and adolescents if you would prefer working with people with similar needs. Most treatment programs are appropriate for a wide audience, but some people feel more understood or safer in a setting that understands their specific needs.

Financial Considerations

Don’t let financial concerns keep you from seeking help. Most insurance plans offer at least some coverage for addiction treatment. You can either contact your plan directly, or treatment programs should be able to help you navigate these questions. Treatment programs may also offer sliding scale fees or create a payment plan.

Overview of the Rehab Process

Once you’ve decided to enter rehab, you may have questions about what to expect. There are a number of different steps in the program, which we describe below.

Initial Assessment: The treatment center will begin with an individual assessment of your needs and create an individualized treatment plan. While there might be similarities, every person has different needs. Factors include other mental or physical health issues, length of addiction, substance(s) used, and support sytems.

Detoxification: Some drug withdrawals can be dangerous or painful, and medically supervised detox makes the initial withdrawals safer and more comfortable. Trained staff monitor your safety and can provide medications to help with pain, nausea, or anxiety.

Therapy and Counseling: Every program will include therapy and counseling to help you understand your addiction causes and triggers and build healthier coping skills. Family therapy can help repair damage caused by the addiction or family dynamics that may have contributed to the addiction issues.

Aftercare and Continuing Support: Once you’ve completed the initial treatment, aftercare provides an important role in your recovery. Support groups, relapse prevention training, and outpatient programs give you a safe place to discuss your issues, build skills, and obtain support.


Rehab programs can help restore your life. You’re not alone on this recovery journey, and we encourage you to reach out. There is hope, no matter how hopeless it may sometimes feel. For Addiction Treatment, you can call us at (631) 887-3234. If you prefer, you can send us a message or request a call.

Long Island Interventions offers confidential and compassionate addiction treatment in a safe and supportive environment. Our team of experienced professionals will help you get on the road to recovery and back to living a healthy and productive life. If you or a loved one need any services we don’t offer, we are happy to refer you to one of our trusted affiliates.

Resources and Immediate Assistance

Additional resources in Staten Island include:

Published on: 2023-09-29
Updated on: 2024-06-17