If you or a loved one are suffering from drug addiction, comprehensive drug rehabs in Long Island may be the solution. Warm, caring professionals can provide you with treatment that can help you overcome the greatest obstacles and provide you with strategies to permanently live drug-free.

A good drug rehab program will offer you a supportive environment where you can have the time and attention you need to get better. Most rehab centers use scientifically-backed treatment solutions along with therapeutic best practices to create a treatment plan that works for you.

long island

What Does Drug Rehab Entail?

Drug rehab usually involves several factors. Each element works as part of the overall treatment process. When we attack the problem on many fronts, recovery is more probable and likely to last.

Medical Detox

Withdrawal symptoms can make overcoming drug addiction unbearable at times. People typically experience both physical and mental side effects. Withdrawal symptoms will vary based on the type of drugs used, frequency of use and length of use. Harder drugs and longer use periods are associated with more intense withdrawal symptoms. Some symptoms may linger longer than others.

Withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Anxiety
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue/exhaustion
  • Insomnia
  • Hallucinations
  • Sweating/fever
  • Muscle aches/cramps
  • Increased/decreased appetite
  • Depression

Withdrawal will look different for everyone. While there are common withdrawal symptoms associated with each drug, everyone will have a slightly different experience.

Withdrawal symptoms are a result of the body’s dependence on a substance. As a person uses drugs, their body will become increasingly adapted to the drug. They’ll need to use more and more to achieve the same high. When stopping drug use, especially abruptly, the body has a strong reaction to the lack of drugs it’s grown accustomed to.

While quitting drugs is the healthiest option for your body, trying to stop drugs on your own can be dangerous. It can even be fatal. You may face serious health consequences. You’ll be safer stopping under the supervision of a medical professional. You’ll also be less likely to relapse, as withdrawals are often intense enough to propel many people to go back to using the drug, just to make the symptoms stop.

There are medications that can help your body cope with withdrawal symptoms and make it easier for you to come off the drug. Medical detox is one of the most effective ways to begin your path to recovery. With the right medications, treatments and supervision, you can get through one of the toughest parts of overcoming alcohol addiction.

When you enter treatment, the first order of business is to get you off all substances safely. Good facilities focus on giving you everything you need to keep you comfortable. It can take the body anywhere from a few days to several weeks to manage withdrawal. Once you’re off the drug, you’ll move on to the next phases of treatment.

Inpatient Residential Treatment

For those suffering from severe addiction or those who continue to relapse, our inpatient residential treatment is often the best option. A supportive environment can help you avoid going back to drugs and can help you learn the best strategies for staying clean.

Reputable centers will provide you with a place where you can feel at home and focus on your recovery without distractions from the outside world. Residential treatment will look different for each patient, based on their specific needs. Your stay may include medical treatments, one-on-one therapy, group therapy and family therapy. You will learn strategies for staying sober while also working with therapists to figure out the underlying causes of your addiction. If you have other mental health issues, they can work on those as well.

Residential treatment can take a few weeks, several months or more. Each patient is treated on an individual basis. As your treatment goes on, your progress is monitored to help you make decisions about finding the right time to return to your daily life.

Residential treatment is a good option for patients who need intensive care and support. If you need around-the-clock help with withdrawal symptoms and if you need to completely remove the temptation to relapse, then residential treatment can be highly beneficial.

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment for patients suffering from drug addiction are very common and can be extremely effective. You won’t have to stay overnight when being treated at the outpatient level. An outpatient program provides you with the support you need while letting you continue living your daily life.

You’ll participate in many of the same treatment strategies as with inpatient treatment. You’ll have individual and group therapy sessions. During this time, Long Island Interventions may work with your family so that they can support you through your recovery and beyond.

Outpatient treatment is a good option for patients who are still able to function in their day-to-day life while also working on their recovery. Patients also do well with outpatient treatment when they are motivated to get better and are committed to seeing the process through.

Aftercare/Maintenance Treatment

Recovery doesn’t end when you are released from treatment. You’ll need consistent support to ensure your treatment is effective and you don’t relapse. When you’ve finished your treatment at a Long Island drug rehab, we will help you with the continued support you need to help you stay on the right path.

Long Island Interventions’ Approach to Drug Rehab

At Long Island Interventions, we want to see you succeed, regardless of where you choose to attend a treatment program. We want our clients to be successful and return to their everyday life with a renewed sense of purpose after they complete a rehab program of their choosing.

Treating the Patient, Not the Addiction

There is no one-size-fits-all plan for treatment. Everyone’s journey through addiction and recovery is different, so it wouldn’t make sense for the same treatment to work for everyone. Instead, a good center will look at the whole person to come up with an individualized program that suits their needs.

We will work with you and your family to figure out how to help you through the entire recovery process. We don’t put a timeframe on the process, as it’s unique for everyone. We will coordinate with the facility you attend, as well as any family members, to ensure you are receiving the best care for your specific situation.

Dual Diagnosis and Treatment

Drug addiction doesn’t always occur in isolation. It’s often concurrent with other mental health problems like depression, personality disorders and severe anxiety. Patients often struggle to cope with their mental health issues and use drugs to self-medicate.

Long Island rehabs typically use dual diagnosis programs to uncover any underlying conditions that may exacerbate addiction. Treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy are implemented to manage both drug addiction and mental health issues.

Length of Treatment

Since programs are highly individualized, it’s difficult to say exactly how long the treatment process will last. Some patients make it through treatment in a few weeks, while others take several months or longer. It all depends on the patient, the nature of the addictive substance, the length of use and other factors.

Your goal should not be to get through treatment as quickly as possible. Instead, you want to make sure your treatment is thorough and helpful. Ultimately, treatment will end when you’re ready and it seems the chances for relapse are lowered. You should feel confident in your ability to stay sober after recovery.

LGBT Treatment

As part of individualized treatment programs, many centers specialize in drug addiction treatment for members of the LGBT community. You’ll be in a safe space with others who relate to your struggle and medical professionals trained to help LGBT individuals through the recovery process.

Why Choose a Drug Rehab in Long Island?

Whether you live in the Long Island area or if you’re coming from out of state, Long Island is a great area for rehab. If you have family nearby, you’ll benefit from having them near you. Choosing a treatment center near you is also helpful if you opt for outpatient therapy, as it will make it easier to make it to your sessions. You’ll be less likely to miss.

If You’re Battling Addiction, Long Island Interventions Can Help

Long Island Interventions is here to help you through whatever type of addiction you may be facing. Our mission is to help you develop a plan for living a healthy, productive life without the problems associated with addiction.

If your loved one is battling addiction, you may feel helpless to aid them in their struggle. We’re here to support you. We can help you develop an intervention strategy so that your loved one can see your care and desire to support them. We’ll also work with your family to uncover addiction’s underlying causes and strategies for helping your loved one stay sober.

Published on: 2022-07-29
Updated on: 2024-06-17