Addiction & Treatment Blog Articles

Dangers of Laced Weed: How to Protect Yourself

In recent years, the legalization of marijuana for recreational use has become increasingly common across the United States.  While this shift offers options for regulated...

How Long Does Ambien Stay in System?

An estimated 12% of people in the U.S. struggle with chronic insomnia, a sleep disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking...

ZzzQuil and Alcohol

Whether you are taking a prescription medication or an over-the-counter (OTC) drug, it is always a dangerous idea to drink alcohol at the same time....

Adderall XR vs. IR

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is more commonly known as ADHD, can result in the sufferer experiencing inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Struggling to focus, relax...

How long will Morphine stay in your system?

More than 2 million people suffer from opioid use disorder in the United States each year. The opioid morphine is one common source of addiction....

Wives of Alcoholics

When many people define addiction, the first thought that comes to their minds is about dependence on prescription or street medications and pills. Yet, another...

Does Acid show up on a Drug Test?

In our society, drug tests are fairly common. People might take them when they’re applying for a job, when they’re on probation or parole, when...

How Long Does NyQuil Stay in Your System?

To say that substance abuse is a crisis in the U.S. would be a profound understatement. According to a 2021 study published by the Substance...

Lamictal Withdrawal: Symptoms, Timeline, & Treatment

Lamotrigine is a medication given to prevent seizures in people with epilepsy and to help with managing depression in people who have bipolar disorder. Its...

Track Marks on Arm: Signs, Risks, and Treatment Options

While substance use disorders can present themselves in many different ways, there are a few key signs to look out for. One of the most...

What Does the Bible Say About Addiction? Learn About Hope for Recovery

There is no condemnation in Christ. These words from Romans can be like balm to those who feel like they are “too far gone” to...

What Happens to Your Body Before and After You Stop Drinking Alcohol?

Whether you struggle to control your drinking, drink more often than you should or consider yourself a social drinker, alcohol can take a toll on...

Hydroxyzine Withdrawal Symptoms

Hydroxyzine is the generic name for an antihistamine that’s often prescribed for anxiety in addition to allergies. This isn’t a controlled medication, and it’s not...

Qualities of a Healthy Relationship

The connections we cultivate with others can profoundly influence our mental health. A healthy relationship involves many things, with mutual respect, open and honest communication,...

Different Types of Liquor

Stepping into a liquor store reveals rows of colorful bottles that are often categorized by the type of beverage they contain inside. While most people...

Transform Your Mindset: Download the Free CBT for Everyday Growth Workbook

Are you ready to take charge of your mental health and personal growth? The CBT for Everyday Growth Workbook is a practical and empowering resource...

Does Quitting Weed Lower Blood Pressure?

Nearly half of the 50 states have legalized cannabis since 2012. As a result, it has gained popularity as a recreational drug. Although many believe...

Should You Use Edibles When You Have the Flu?

You may be tempted to use edibles when sick with the flu, but it may not necessarily offer the relief that you are seeking. In...