Three Nassau County law enforcement officers were arrested during a drug raid after their connections with a drug ring were exposed. One of the police officers is also suspected of conspiracies to rob casinos and armored deposit trucks.

Suffolk County District Attorney Timothy Sini explained how two officers (Eric Skoglund and Karen Ernst) bought 75 pounds of marijuana and were exposed for their illegal activities in the undercover operation. During the investigation into these two police officers, authorities uncovered a plot in which a third officer (Bruce Moeller) was involved. Moeller is alleged to conspire with Daniel Caceres to rob a casino armored truck and a high-rolling patron of a Long Island casino. Daniel Caceres is the ringleader of the illegal drug operation the other officers were involved in and the investigation uncovered these additional crimes.

Corrupt Cops Arrested in Long Island After Drug Raid

Three Nassau County Officers Arrested in Drug Raid

Long Island is facing an unprecedented wave of drug addiction throughout our various neighborhoods in Nassau County and Suffolk County. No one is above the law, even police officers, and we can all be corrupted by the prospect of fast money or getting hooked on drugs.

In the process of unraveling this case, Suffolk County Police Commissioner Geraldine Hart put it best:

“This was simply a case of taking the investigation wherever it led”

There are bad apples in every police department, and the Nassau County police department is no different. However, the good guys focus on weeding out dirty police officers involved in the drug addiction epidemic in Long Island. With these corrupt cops arrested in Long Island, the authorities are fighting back against drug gangs in Nassau County. Officials say that more investigations are on the way and there is a zero-tolerance policy in-place for law enforcement officers caught in the drug game.

About Long Island Interventions

We’ve helped countless individuals and families that are affected by drug addiction and alcoholism across the New York area. Many people who develop a substance use disorder find it very difficult to stop using without professional help. If you or someone you know is looking for a detoxdrug rehabintervention, or outpatient drug rehab, our addiction resource center can help.

Published on: 2018-06-21
Updated on: 2024-03-08