Over the past few years, drug addiction has become an increasingly worrying problem. The number of fatalities due to substance abuse keeps rising, with no end.

In New York, about 12% of the population suffers from some sort of addiction. That can include a dependency on alcohol, prescription medication, or illegal drugs.

Nassau County

As you can imagine, this poses a real threat to the youth of the city. Luckily, there are many facilities that are well-equipped to handle these issues.

So, if you’re interested in learning more about drug rehabs in Garden City, New York, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the substance problem in the area.

We’ll also walk you through some of the best facilities in Garden City.

The Drug Problem in Garden City

In 2010, the state of New York calculated that there are about 1.9 million addicts. About 1.7 million are adults, while 156,000 are between the ages of 12 and 17.

This is according to the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services.

Over the past few years, these numbers seem to get bigger. No matter how many awareness campaigns Garden City holds, there’s no solution in sight.

In fact, in 2022, about 110,000 people died of drug overdoses in the state. One of the reasons the fatality rate is so high is due to the wide variety of addictive substances.

Most of the time, people think you can only get addicted to illegal drugs. That means they’ll stay away from substances like heroin or methamphetamines.

However, one of the most abused drugs is prescription medication. Patients will self-medicate without a professional overseeing the dosage.

You have to remember, just because it comes from a pharmacy, doesn’t mean it isn’t dangerous.

Other than that, alcoholism is also a serious issue in Garden City.

Fortunately, there are many facilities in the area that can assist with addiction. They’ll use a variety of treatment plans to help their patients overcome substance abuse.

Rehabilitation Centers in Garden City, New York

Most of us have heard of a rehab center. Yet, only a few know how these organizations help addicts.

When a person begins using drugs, they can alter their brain chemistry. They overstimulate the pleasure sensors, which can lead to many issues.

Among them is the inability to function without a certain chemical. Sadly, that can lead to a never-ending cycle of substance abuse.

This can be especially difficult to overcome on your own.

That’s why many addicts rely on rehabilitation centers. These facilities will use a variety of techniques to treat chemical dependency.

Unfortunately, there’s no magic cure for addiction. Overcoming the issue will take a lot of hard work and diligence.

Yet, it doesn’t have to be a torturous process. There are plenty of centers that can make the road to recovery much more pleasant.

They’ll rely on treatment plans that use:

Types of Rehabilitation Centers in Garden City, New York

There are quite a few types of drug rehabilitation centers in Garden City. Each one will provide treatment to specific patients using unique techniques.

That means not all facilities are equal. So, before you choose a rehab center, it’s a good idea to ensure that it’ll be able to accommodate your needs.

1. Detoxification Programs

Detoxification is the first, and arguably most difficult, stage of overcoming chemical dependency. When an addict stops using drugs, their body will go through withdrawal.

They’ll start to show acute physical symptoms. These can include:

  • Nausea
  • Muscle aches
  • Trembles and tremors

These are incredibly difficult to manage on your own. That’s when detoxification programs will come into play.

There, a team of medical professionals will help treat these symptoms. They’ll work on ensuring that the drugs are out of your system.

2. Residential Programs

If a patient is dealing with severe drug issues, they may need a residential program. That’s when an addict will live in a facility throughout the period of treatment.

There, they’ll be under the watch of a professional medical team 24/7.

These centers can offer a lot more than detoxification. They’ll provide counseling and medical support to ensure the addict doesn’t relapse.

Plus, some facilities even offer after-care services.

3. Sober Living Homes

After spending a few months in residential rehab, it can be difficult to re-enter society. This is especially true if you’re worried about returning home or have nowhere to go.

In that case, a sober living home can help you out. This facility provides a safe space to ease the transition from inpatient care to the real world.

There, reformed addicts can learn new skills and work on reintegrating into society.

4. Intensive Outpatient Programs

Not all addicts can afford to take a break from their lives for a few months. Some of them have jobs they need to hold on to, or school work to keep up with.

Because of that, a residential program may not be suitable for everyone. In that case, an intensive outpatient program may be the way to go.

These facilities will treat patients on a part-time basis. The addicts will need to follow a strict schedule to ensure their sobriety.

Although, they’ll be able to keep working and attending school.

5. Group Counseling

Addicts can feel an overwhelming sense of isolation. That’s because most of the time, their families aren’t familiar with what they have to go through.

This is why group counseling is incredibly crucial. In this program, addicts from all walks of life will come together and share stories.

They’ll talk about their struggles and how they manage to stay clean. That’ll help them find a sense of community.

Plus, they can all get tips from each other on controlling urges and cravings.

On top of that, the group meetings are where many addicts meet their sober companions. This is a former addict who can help them stay on the right path.

6. Family Therapy

Drug addiction can destroy much more than a person’s health. Most of the time, it’ll also do plenty of damage to the drug user’s relationships.

It’ll strain familial ties and destroy decade-long friendships. Regrettably, you can’t repair these bonds overnight.

Usually, it takes a lot of effort and the help of a professional. In family therapy, a psychiatrist will help addicts reconnect with their loved ones.

They’ll work on improving communication and reforming behavioral patterns. That way, they can attempt to fix the damaged relationships.

This can have a major impact on an addict’s ability to stay sober. They need a strong support system to ensure they stay on the straight and narrow.

4 Best Drug Rehabs in Garden City, New York

Now that you understand the role of drug rehab, we can talk about a few of the facilities in the area. In this section, we’ll cover some of the best centers in Garden City and what they can offer.

1. Seafield Mineola Clinic

Seafield is a veteran-operated facility in the heart of Long Island. Because of that, it aims to provide patients in uniform with strategies to find their way to recovery.

The facility offers both inpatient and outpatient care to veterans. All the staff at the center are trauma-informed, so they should be able to help with symptoms of PTSD.

Yet, Seafield also provides services to other types of patients. The center’s doors are always open to anyone in need of help with a substance abuse problem.

It has several residential and outpatient programs that addicts can sign up for. Each one will approach the chemical dependency in a different way.

Some plans focus on talk therapy and group meetings. This will make it easier for addicts to find a way to connect with the people around them.

Other than that, Seafield offers medication programs and recovery homes. These are safe spaces where addicts can find their bearings before rejoining society.

Moving on, the center has a family program. It aims to repair the bonds damaged by substance abuse.


  • It offers both inpatient and outpatient care, along with recovery homes
  • Veterans get special care from trauma-informed professionals
  • Family therapy can help ease tensions caused by addiction


  • Insurance may not cover all treatment plans
  • You won’t have control over what groups you attend

2. EAC Inc New Path Treatment Center

EAC Inc has been in the recovery industry for over 50 years. During that time, the facility has aided many addicts overcome substance abuse.

The center can provide help within five service areas. Right off the bat, it offers a children and youth program.

This plan works with the children of addicts. It’ll pair them up with a social worker, who’ll ensure they find safe homes.

Next, EAC has a family and community program. With this plan, professionals will help addicts reconcile with their friends and relatives.

Moving on, there are behavioral health and criminal justice services. The plan works to reform and educate addicts who suffer from mental health disorders.

It can help out using anger management classes or community service.

Other than that, you can opt for the senior and nutrition program. This is a meals-on-wheels service that ensures physically incapacitated people can eat well.

Finally, EAC offers a vocational program. The center will help addicts stay sober by finding them gainful employment.


  • Many programs that help with a variety of issues
  • Provides cognitive-behavioral therapy to patients
  • Most of the plans are affordable


  • Doesn’t have an inpatient program
  • Finding an empty bed in the center is a little tricky

3. Long Island Interventions

Long Island Interventions (LII) is about four miles away from Garden City. So, you should be able to get there in a few minutes.

There, you’ll find treatment plans for all sorts of substance abuse problems. For starters, it can be difficult to convince a drug addict that they have a problem.

Most of the time, they think they’re totally in control of the chemical dependency. So, you’ll need to sit down and have a rational conversation with them.

Sadly, this is much easier said than done. Luckily, LII can help out with one of its interventions. The center will connect you to an addiction specialist.

They’ll be able to walk you through the process and what you need to do.

Besides that, there’s the detoxification strategy. This can help addicts with withdrawal from drugs, like:

  • Adderall
  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Cocaine
  • Fentanyl
  • Heroin
  • Methadone
  • Opiates

In addition, LII can provide both inpatient and outpatient treatment. Plus, addicts can choose between individual or group sessions.

That way, they’ll have more control over their environment. This will increase the chances of a successful stint in rehab.

Moving on, many addicts suffer from mental illnesses associated with drug abuse. Because of that, LII offers a dual diagnosis treatment.

That’s when a doctor will address the addiction and the underlying mental disorder at the same time. Not only will this shorten the rehab stay, but it can also help addicts reenter society.



  • It doesn’t offer an after-care service
  • Talk therapy sessions can stand to be a little longer

4. Hispanic Counseling Center

The Hispanic Counseling Center (HCC) is a multi-service facility. It focuses on helping members of the Latino community overcome addiction.

To do that, the center provides bilingual treatment options to all its clients. That way, a language barrier won’t stop the recovery process.

On average, the organization treats about 1,400 patients every month. These are children and adults from a variety of backgrounds and educational levels.

No matter what the drug addiction may be, HCC can help out. It can provide all sorts of support, from therapy to medication.


  • Can help with all sorts of chemical dependencies
  • It offers bilingual treatment to patients that need it
  • It treats both adults and children


  • Patients need to meet certain criteria to enter the facility
  • The doctor’s team is a little understaffed

Wrapping Up

If you’re looking for a drug rehab in Garden City, New York, you’re in luck. There are quite a few facilities that can help you out.

For starters, you can visit Seafield Mineola or EAC Inc New Path Treatment Center. Besides that, Long Island Interventions and the Hispanic Counseling Center are excellent options.

Published on: 2023-06-26
Updated on: 2024-06-17