Xanax, or, Benzodiazepine, is one of the most prescribed medications in the U.S. for treating anxiety, sleep disorders, depression, and panic disorders.
Categorized as a sedative medication, Xanax regulates brain activity by stimulating the release of neurotransmitters that enhance relaxation and calmness.
Accordingly, Xanax can reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression and balance the brain’s chemical activity when taken in considerate amounts under medical supervision.
However, Xanax overuse is a common and serious problem that demands immediate professional support to avoid long-term complications.
That’s why seeking professional support is essential to cope with the withdrawal symptoms of Xanax. At Long Island Interventions, we have years of experience helping people combat their Xanax addiction with our Xanax detox program.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about Xanax detox programs at Long Island Interventions.
Table of Contents
Understanding Xanax Addiction and Withdrawal
Xanax is a strong anxiolytic drug that quickly and intensely impacts one’s nervous system. For people struggling with anxiety or depression, Xanax provides immediate relief from anxiety symptoms as it enhances calmness and relaxation. That’s why it’s one of the most prescribed medicines for these conditions.
Due to its effectiveness and high potency, it’s easy for individuals to continue using Xanax for extended periods, leading to dependency and addiction.
When people get used to taking Xanax for a long time, they start taking higher doses to get their desired results. In extreme cases, people addicted to Xanax take up to 20 or 30 pills daily.
People who suddenly stop taking Xanax after long use or abruptly reduce their doses often suffer from the following withdrawal symptoms:
- Insomnia
- Restlessness
- Muscle spasms
- Headaches
- Muscle pain
- Anxiety
- Tremors
- Hallucinations
- Panic attacks
Not all Xanax abusers suffer the same symptoms. That’s because symptoms can vary depending on the dose, duration of use, age, mental health, and concurrent medications.
Fortunately, medical professionals can assist with Xanax addiction management through detox programs. These programs are designed to streamline the whole recovery process by implementing personalized tapering schedules.
Under the medical team’s supervision, doctors will monitor the individual’s progress and make necessary adjustments to manage complications.
A Xanax detox program doesn’t only aim to help addicts combat their Xanax dependence but to prevent long-term complications and retain their hormonal balance as well. We also provide ongoing support after the program to help patients maintain their sobriety and fight their cravings.
Overview of Long Island Interventions
People from different ethnicities, backgrounds, and age groups are suffering from drug and alcohol problems, but we’re here to help everyone get back on track.
Long Island Interventions have the facilities and expertise to help those suffering from drug problems recover in the safest and most effective manner.
Our approach focuses on providing individualized programs for each individual so that everyone gets the time and attention they need to overcome their drug problems.
At our detox facilities, patients receive comprehensive care, and they won’t be isolated in their rooms to sweat out the withdrawal symptoms.
Instead, every individual will be assessed by a team of professional healthcare providers to choose the best possible approach for each case. We teach coping skills and relapse prevention techniques to make the detox phase easier for residents.
The Xanax Detox Process at Long Island Interventions
As it’s one of the strongest Benzodiazepines, Xanax is commonly abused because of its immediate effect on one’s mental balance. People suffering from anxiety or panic disorders often take Xanax to enjoy short-term relief from the unpleasant symptoms of these mental problems.
But the main problem is that Xanax doesn’t completely cure anxiety or depression, it just provides short-term relief, and that’s why at some point, you have to stop taking Xanax.
However, you should never try to stop the Xanax on your own. That’s because the drug has extreme withdrawal symptoms that lead to several physical and psychological problems.
At Long Island Interventions, we clearly understand how difficult it is to overcome Xanax addiction. But with our Xanax Detox program, the process is much easier.
First, every individual will undergo an initial assessment that determines the severity of addiction, the expected length of detox, and the best possible treatment option. That way, we can create a personalized plan for everyone to achieve the best possible results.
Second, before the program begins, everyone will clearly understand what to expect and how long the detox program will last. Every patient is different, and the duration of Xanax withdrawal varies depending on these factors:
- Duration of drug use
- Dose strength
- Abuse of other drugs
- Underlying health issues
As the program starts, each resident will be under 24-hour medical supervision. Under the supervision of doctors and addiction specialists, individuals will be prescribed the proper medications to manage their withdrawal symptoms.
Finally, we’ll provide a supportive environment free from temptation for residents to focus on their recovery. We help individuals return to their normal social life by conducting individual and group therapy sessions.
Components of the Xanax Detox Program at Long Island Interventions
Depending on the initial assessment results, individuals may need additional treatment or rehabilitation to achieve long-term recovery. But the first step in the Xanax detox program at Long Island Interventions is medical detoxification.
The main objective of medical detox is to aid individuals in ridding their bodies of the abused substance. In order to ensure a safe detox operation, our physicians craft a tapering schedule for each patient based on their assessment.
People abuse Xanax in different ways and dosages, and withdrawal symptoms usually vary between individuals. As such, doctors will prescribe medications that help fight the intense withdrawal symptoms to make the recovery process more bearable.
Moreover, people who abuse Xanax usually have underlying medical conditions that need extra attention. Whether it’s depression, anxiety, or other health issues, our rehab centers provide treatment for all these co-curring disorders so that patients can focus on their Xanax recovery.
Luckily, Xanax has a relatively short half-life compared to other benzodiazepines. Studies have shown that Xanax has a half-life range of 6.3 to 26.9 hours. The average is roughly 11 hours for adults, which means it takes the body around 11 hours to get rid of half of the Xanax dose.
Accordingly, Xanax withdrawal is relatively quicker than other long-acting anxiolytics. But still, the duration of medical detoxification highly depends on personal factors such as dosage, duration of use, age, metabolism, and concurrent drugs.
Depending on the severity of their addiction and previous medical records, residents are often referred to inpatient or outpatient treatment programs.
1. Inpatient Residential Treatment
Our inpatient residential treatment program is ideal for individuals suffering from severe addiction or experiencing repetitive relapses. At Long Island Interventions, we provide a nurturing and secure setting where patients receive assistance in overcoming their drug problems. The objective isn’t only to help residents get sober, but to stay clean for the rest of their lives too.
Our reputable centers are more like homes, not hospitals. It’s a comfortable and distraction-free place where residents can completely focus on their recovery.
Since every patient is different, our personalized treatment approach will refer each patient to an appropriate care level based on his needs. Some might need one-on-one sessions and group therapies, while others need medications and family meetings.
Due to the potential of Xanax abuse, our physicians and therapists collaborate closely with patients and teach them effective strategies to maintain their sobriety.
More importantly, therapists will explore the underlying causes of addiction and teach them coping mechanisms to prevent relapse.
Throughout the process, we monitor each individual’s progress and adjust the treatment approach accordingly until it’s time for them to get back to their normal lives. Depending on each case, this might take a few weeks, months, or more.
2. Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient treatment is another effective strategy to help addicts overcome their drug problems. Unlike inpatient residential treatment, outpatient treatment allows patients to continue their normal life during recovery without staying at a rehab facility.
In our outpatient treatment program, patients engage in activities similar to inpatient treatment, including group and individual therapy sessions.
On top of that, we collaborate with the patient’s family and friends to create a support network to help individuals through and after their recovery process.
We recommend outpatient treatment for patients who can continue to work and live their normal life while receiving treatment and working on their recovery. It’s the ideal choice for patients with enough patience and commitment to complete their journey to recovery.
Why Choose Into Long Island Interventions for Xanax Detox
If you or any of your loved ones are suffering from Xanax addiction, the drug rehab facilities at Long Island Interventions might be the right choice.
We’re highly dedicated to helping individuals overcome their drug problems and get back on track in the safest and most efficient way. But should you pick Long Island Interventions?
1. More Personalized Experience
From fighting mental health issues to coping with stressful life experiences, there are various reasons why people get addicted to Xanax and other drugs. We understand that every patient is different, and a treatment plan may work for one person but not for the other.
That’s why we evaluate each individual before starting treatment to create a personalized treatment plan. We gather medical history, assess the psychological conditions, and contact family members to know more about each patient.
That way, we can work with patients on a personal level to help them not only get clean but stay clean and live a normal life afterward.
2. Dual Diagnosis
Drug addiction is often associated with underlying medical conditions that force people to engage in heavy drug use. People who struggle to cope with their underlying medical issues opt for Xanax and other drugs to feel calm and relaxed. That’s why we give huge attention to treating these medical conditions, not just addiction.
At Long Island Interventions, patients undergo dual diagnosis to detect any additional medical problems besides drug addiction.
Mental illnesses like depression, anxiety disorder, BPD, phobias, and personality disorders are all common in drug abusers and should be treated alongside the drug addiction problem.
Our drug and alcohol programs are well established to give proper care to patients with multiple health problems, which is essential to achieve full recovery.
3. Length of Treatment
As every individual is different, they’re enrolled in personalized programs for the best results. So there’s no one definite timeline for recovery.
Some patients recover within a few days, while others need to spend weeks or months in rehab facilities to receive the needed treatment.
It’s also worth noting that patients and families shouldn’t focus on the length of treatment. Instead, it’s better to ensure they’re getting the proper care and treatment.
After all, the recovery length depends on various factors such as the type of abused drug, duration of abuse, and concurrent medical issues.
4. Aftercare Treatment
Recovery from drug addiction is a long journey that extends beyond the duration of the treatment. Unfortunately, many patients encounter situations when they think about reusing drugs.
That’s why we believe our patients must find continued support even after they finish their treatment programs. At Long Island Interventions, we provide our patients with ongoing support to sustain the effectiveness of their treatment and minimize the chances of relapses.
To Wrap Up
Xanax is a strong anxiolytic drug that provides immediate relief from symptoms of anxiety and panic disorders. However, it’s one of the most commonly abused drugs, and with daily use, it’s relatively easy for people to abuse it.
What’s more, it’s almost impossible for someone to stop taking Xanax without medical supervision and deal with its significant withdrawal symptoms.
At Long Island Interventions, we have the expertise and facilities to help anyone suffering from Xanax addiction. The Xanax detox program we offer provides a safe and effective way to deal with the severe withdrawal symptoms of Xanax under medical supervision.
If you or any of your loved ones are dealing with Xanax addiction, don’t hesitate to reach us via phone, e-mail, or live chat.
Please contact Long Island Interventions for information about Xanax Addiction Treatment near you.
Drug & alcohol detox programs are not directly offered by Long Island Interventions. However, we do recognize that this type of addiction treatment is often necessary and vital to one’s long-term recovery from substance abuse. If you or a loved one require any services that we do not offer we would be glad to refer you to one of our trusted affiliate providers.