Do rehabs drug test? As a general rule, it depends on the treatment center. The entire goal of drug rehab is to help people recover from substance abuse. Because of this, it is normal for new clients to test positive for drugs or alcohol when they start treatment. Afterward, drug tests can help clients stay accountable.

drug test

Once someone has finished the detox process, they can choose if they want to be a part of inpatient or outpatient treatment programs. An outpatient rehab drug test is fairly normal because clients do not live at the treatment center. Instead, they get to go home each night.

An inpatient treatment center provides around-the-clock care. Because of this, it is very difficult for people to access drugs or alcohol while they are still in treatment. The freedom of outpatient treatment means that temptations are easier to find. To help clients avoid a relapse, many treatment centers offer a drug test for rehab.

Does Outpatient Rehab Drug Test Regularly?

Does outpatient rehab drug test on a consistent basis? It depends on where you go and the type of program. Research studies show that drug testing can increase the effectiveness of treatment programs, so many rehabs choose to drug test current and prospective clients.

An outpatient rehab drug test is especially common because clients can access drugs and alcohol when they leave the treatment center each night. By providing clients with a drug test, the rehab can encourage accountability. Rehab is only effective if you are actually following all of the treatment steps, so accountability measures can help.

In fact, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) says that drug testing is a useful part of the diagnostic process for substance abuse and mental disorders. The amount of the drug present can indicate the severity of someone’s addiction. These tests can also help medical professionals monitor the client’s ongoing status. Drug tests can help clients in the following ways.

  • They help with the treatment program’s design. By learning about the severity of your addiction, addiction specialists can design better treatment programs for your needs. In addition, they can easily track your progress during the program.
  • Tests can help family members trust you again. Unfortunately, substance abuse can destroy relationships with family members and friends. By getting regular tests, you can show loved ones that you are accountable and trustworthy. Over time, this can help you rebuild broken relationships.
  • You can improve your physical health. Each time you get tested, a medical professional can use the results to determine if you need additional medical care. As a result, you can improve your overall health.
  • Drug tests make sobriety more likely. When you know that you will be tested, it is harder to cheat the system. It is also incredibly good motivation to stay clean. Because of this, people are more likely to remain sober if they know that they will be drug tested on a regular basis.
  • Tests are a source of personal pride. It is easy to feel doubt, frustration and other negative emotions during the treatment process. Each drug test is concrete proof that you have successfully completed another stage in your treatment plan.
  • You can get positive reinforcement. Clean test results are a source of positive reinforcement. You can use them to show your loved ones, doctors and friends that you are truly sober. Becoming sober can be difficult, and drug tests can clearly demonstrate your success.
drug test results

What Happens If You Fail a Drug Test in Rehab?

Do drug rehabs test before they kick someone out? Will you get a second chance? While each rehab is different, the response to a failed drug test is generally the same.

Failing an inpatient or outpatient rehab drug test is never a positive development. At a drug rehab center, addiction specialists and your peers trust you to remain sober. While many people fall off the wagon at some point, a failed drug test is a sign that the treatment center cannot trust you.

If the individual is in an inpatient treatment center, the only way to fail a drug test is by smuggling drugs and alcohol into rehab. At an outpatient center, failed test results can happen because of drug use at home. In either scenario, the treatment center will generally escalate treatment or remove the client from the rehab center.

Escalate the Treatment Process

After someone fails a drug test for rehab, most treatment centers will encourage an escalation of treatment. If someone seeks treatment, they have a 20 to 80 percent of relapsing in the long run. Meanwhile, people who do not get professional treatment have relapse rates that are closer to 80 percent.

group therapy

Becoming sober is difficult, and addiction treatment centers are aware of this fact. Because of this, they do not want to kick someone out of treatment for a single mistake. Instead, most rehabs will encourage you to escalate your treatment program. For example, you may switch from an outpatient program to an intensive outpatient program or a partial hospitalization program. If you were already in a partial hospitalization program, you may be encouraged to switch to an inpatient program.

Leave the Treatment Center

If the client is not willing to escalate their treatment, the rehab will generally ask them to leave. Sometimes, the rehab will give them one more chance to follow the rules. If they fail a second drug test in the future, they may be told to permanently leave the rehab center. Rehabs have a limited amount of resources, so they cannot afford to spend precious resources on people who are not ready to become sober.

Will Addiction Rehab Centers Admit Me if I Fail a Drug Test?

Do rehabs drug test on the first day? Often, drug tests are incorporated into the intake process. By testing each person who shows up for treatment, the rehab can determine the extent of their addiction and their treatment needs.

When someone fails a drug test for rehab on the first day, it is generally not a major issue. Rehabs already know that new clients suffer from drug and alcohol abuse. Because of this, they expect many people to fail their initial drug test. While the rehab will care about your future test results, the initial test is just to see where you are currently at.

Additional Questions About Rehab

Many people feel worried and anxious about starting a rehab program. An inpatient or outpatient rehab drug test should not feel intimidating. In reality, drug tests are just additional tools that you can use to become sober. Other than learning about drug testing, you may also find the following questions and answers useful as you prepare for your treatment program.

How Many Days Does It Take to Detox Your Body?

The length of detox depends on the substance involved and the individual’s physical chemistry. In addition, the severity of the addiction can impact how long detox lasts. For alcohol, initial withdrawal symptoms can begin after a few hours. Then, these withdrawal symptoms will peak after about 72 hours. For other drugs, detox can take a week or longer to complete.

Once the initial detox is complete, individuals may still feel ongoing symptoms. For instance, some people experience fatigue, anxiety or brain fog for weeks or months after they become sober. In addition, cravings can appear for months or years afterward.

drug detox

What Can a Urine Test Detect?

A urine test can detect a wide variety of substances. For instance, it can spot opiates, benzodiazepine, methadone, oxycodone, ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and barbiturates. Additionally, alcohol can show up on urine tests and breath tests.

What Is the Shortest Amount of Time You Can Stay in Rehab?

In general, the shortest amount of time you will stay in rehab is 28 days. While there may be shorter programs available, you need at least 28 days of treatment so that the program has a chance to work. For the best results, you should consider an aftercare program or a 90-day option.

How Long Does It Take to Get Rid of an Addiction?

An addiction is a chronic disease. Because of this, it is never truly cured. Instead, addictions are said to go into remission. Individuals can manage their addiction and stay sober, but the addiction never truly disappears.

Start Your Sobriety Journey Today

Do rehabs drug test? Does outpatient rehab drug test before you begin? Ultimately, the answer to these questions depends on the rehab. While some treatment centers do not require a drug test for rehab, other centers request drug tests on a consistent basis.

Ultimately, the point of an inpatient or outpatient rehab drug test is to help you remain sober. It provides accountability and concrete proof of your success. If you have questions about the testing process or how rehab works, Long Island Interventions can help. To find out more information, call us today.


  • What happens if you fail a drug test in outpatient rehab?

Published on: 2022-05-12
Updated on: 2024-06-27