Blues are double-edged pills.

On the one hand, it can relieve severe pain in cancer patients. On the other, it has plagued the country, causing thousands of deaths each year.

What is the drug called blues, and why is it so dangerous? There may be more to the story than you realize!

Today, we answer all your questions about blues so you and your loved ones become better equipped to prevent accidents.

What Drug Is Called Blues?


Blues are the street name for the prescription drugs oxycontin and oxymorphone. Oxycodone is an opioid and painkiller that often comes in the form of blue pills, hence the nickname.

When used correctly, these prescription medications relieve severe pain from injuries and cancer. However, people may abuse prescription opioids and buy oxycodone pills from illegal sources.

This practice is dangerous as counterfeit blues contain other substances that are far more deadly!

Other Street Names for Blues

Blues refer to prescription oxycodone. Its counterfeit, despite having different active ingredients, may also be referred to by substance users as a “blue.”

Some of its other street names include berries, blueberries, roxy, 30s, oxy, and hillbilly heroin.

What Are Counterfeit Blues?

According to law enforcement, counterfeit blues are any pills that resemble prescription oxycodone. They typically contain fentanyl, which is a synthetic opioid that’s 100 times more potent than morphine.

Additionally, fentanyl has analogs like carfentanil, which is 10,000 more potent than morphine. Just two milligrams of fentanyl (equivalent to a few grains of sand) can be deadly for adults.

In 2021, the DEA seized 20.4 million pounds of counterfeit fentanyl pills. It found that six out of ten pills contained lethal amounts of fentanyl.

Where Do Counterfeit Blues Come From?

The Sinaloa and Jalisco New Generation Cartels in Mexico are responsible for most of the blues drugs in the US. They import fentanyl from China for as little as $5,000. Afterward, these drug traffickers convert them into products that make over $1.5 million in revenue in the United States.

Dealers may sell counterfeit blues to young people over social media. In most cases, buyers are unaware they purchased counterfeits.

Some students purchase stimulants because they believe the medication boosts concentration. Of course, there’s no evidence to prove that the use of these illicit drugs improves academic performance.

Over time, the students consuming counterfeit blues develop an opioid addiction.

How Dangerous Are Blues?

Blues are a major cause of the opioid crisis in the US.

In 2022, the number of deaths related to fentanyl drug overdoses reached 73,838. Including prescription oxycodone and other opioids, the total overdose deaths in 2022 reached 81,806.

What makes counterfeit blues so deadly is their lack of consistency. They contain various unknown substances in inconsistent dosages.

There’s no regulation or quality control, but they all look the same. It’s up to the users to gauge how much they consume, which increases the risk of overdose.

Today, drug addiction is still on the rise and is a serious threat to American public health!

The Side Effects of Oxycodone

The National Drug Intelligence Center says 1 million US residents aged 12 and older used oxycontin non-medically.

Below are some of the dangerous effects of misusing oxycodone.

1. Breathing Problems

Oxycodone can cause life-threatening respiratory depression. This is when your breathing becomes too shallow, and your body doesn’t get enough oxygen.

Symptoms may appear within 24 to 72 hours and cause serious damage for people with lung disease.

2. Sedation and Coma

Oxycodone can interact with alcohol and other medications. Even supplements and vitamins may have an effect, causing sedation and coma.

It’s best to inform your doctor if you’re taking other medications and follow instructions closely.

Never crush an oxycodone tablet before ingesting, as this may cause your body to absorb it too quickly.

3. Drug Dependence

Those who have depression are more likely to overuse their prescription medications.

Unfortunately, taking more than the recommended amount leads to drug dependence and addiction.

You should talk to your healthcare provider if you think you have an opioid addiction as soon as possible.

4. Muscle Spasms

Taking oxycodone can affect your muscles, causing them to become stiff and painful. As a result, people may feel clumsy or unsteady.

Moreover, your muscles may begin twitching, and you’ll experience a loss of coordination.

5. Severe Constipation

When you use narcotics like oxycodone for long periods, you can develop severe constipation. If this happens, you may need to drink laxatives and eat more fiber.

Be aware that severe constipation can lead to more serious health problems!

The Side Effects of Counterfeit Blues

Counterfeit blues can contain different substances that can have many adverse effects. Here are some side effects to expect.

1. Low Blood Pressure and Adrenal Gland Function

Counterfeits with fentanyl can cause low blood pressure, dizziness, and lightheadedness. You may experience blurred vision, weakness, and loss of appetite.

Some people may vomit or feel nauseous after taking Counterfeit Blues.

2. Allergic Reactions

Taking counterfeit blues can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Your face may swell, and a rash may appear.

Allergic reactions are dangerous because they restrict your breathing and make your throat swell. If you feel swelling on your lips or tongue, seek medical attention immediately!

3. Altered Brain Function

Counterfeits with methamphetamine are highly addictive. These can damage the neurons in your brain, affecting your emotions and memory.

After a while, you’ll feel a crash and have difficulty sleeping. It can cause anxiety, paranoia, delusions, and aggressive behavior.

4. Stroke

People who take counterfeit blues with methamphetamine may develop coronary artery disease. This can lead to strokes and chronic myocardial toxicity.

Be aware that abusing this drug can lead to sudden cardiac death.

5. Parkinson’s Disease

Excessive use of methamphetamine may also lead to neurological defects.

In 2018, scientists linked methamphetamine with the premature onset of Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonism.

Can You Develop a Tolerance for Blues?

Yes. Individuals who continuously abuse blues can develop a tolerance for it. This means they might increasingly take higher doses to achieve the same effects.

Those who stop taking blues will have withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms may include restlessness, insomnia, muscle pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

How Can You Identify Counterfeit Blues?

Counterfeit pills often resemble the 30 mg oxycodone tablet. Still, this synthetic opioid may also look like Xanax, Adderall, and other medications.

The drug’s color may be anywhere from blue to white. It can come in varying shapes and sizes, making it impossible to identify without testing.

For this reason, the best way to avoid counterfeit blues is by only taking medications from a licensed doctor.

What Should You Do When You Accidentally Ingest Blues?

In 2010, a two-year-old accidentally took two tablets of slow-release oxycontin. She was fine for four hours, then suddenly went into cardiac arrest.

In another case in 2022, an average of 22 teenagers died each week from consuming counterfeit pills.

So, what can you do when you or a loved one mistakenly overdoses on blues?

First, you should treat the situation as an emergency and contact paramedics immediately. They will likely have naloxone, a quick medication that counters the effects of opioids.

Next, stay calm as you’re waiting. Stimulate the patient and keep talking to them. You may rub their sternum or breastbone or shout their name if necessary.

If the patient is unresponsive, check their airways and keep their head tilted back. Pinch their nose and give two rescue breaths if needed.

In case the patient is still not conscious, you’ll have to do chest compressions.

How Do You Recover From Blues Addiction?

Recovering from opioid addiction is a lifelong process. However, with the support of family and healthcare professionals, you can overcome the challenges.

Here are tips that can help you recover from a blues addiction.

  • Consult Your Doctor: Don’t be afraid to consult your doctor before you begin detoxification. Your doctor can monitor your condition and teach you how to manage the withdrawal symptoms.
  • Join Treatment Programs: Addiction treatment programs are key to recovering from substance use. A healthcare professional can make a treatment plan that best suits your circumstances.
  • Attend Therapy: Recovering from substance abuse will affect your mental health. It’s important to give yourself a positive mindset by attending therapy sessions.

Remember, you’re never alone in your journey to recovery. You have the power to change your story. All you have to do is to take the first step!


So what drug is called blues?

In summary, all pills that look like prescription oxycodone, whether genuine or counterfeit are called blues. These medications are hazardous and highly addictive, causing tens of thousands of deaths each year.

Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of its danger. Some students may even get tricked into buying it through social media.

If you or a loved one accidentally consumed a blue, you should seek medical help immediately. Moreover, if you’re struggling with addiction, please consider reaching out to a professional.

We hope you find the courage to restart your life!

Published on: 2024-07-05
Updated on: 2024-10-14