The world is experiencing a surge in painkiller addiction. More and more doctors are giving prescription drugs for pain relief, which are types of medications to overcome discomfort from surgery or other injuries. Although many people believe that they are safe, opioids are very addictive. They release endorphins or feel-good hormones, so many people keep taking them to experience euphoric sensations. Unfortunately, long-term use can bring fatal results. To overcome a misuse problem, a professional treatment option is best. A person receives care during detox and participates in various therapies so that sobriety can be restored.

Painkiller Rehab

Understanding Painkiller Addiction

Painkiller addiction is the misuse of drugs like opioids. These medicines are used to curb discomfort after surgical procedures or bodily injury. After taking a painkiller, a person may get used to the pleasant effects. Eventually, this individual may keep using the drug for longer periods without the ability to stop. Desires to use may cause a person to obtain these drugs illegally.[1]

Addiction can occur from taking OTC pain relievers like NSAIDS as well. These nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve headaches, stiffness, and body aches. Although they are available on store shelves, a person can develop a tolerance.

Most painkillers change the brain’s chemistry. With steady use, dependence develops. This means that when the drug is stopped, a person suffers from physical and psychological symptoms of withdrawal. For example, the individual may experience anxiety, diarrhea, insomnia, depression, or headaches.

Signs and Symptoms of Painkiller Addiction

Commonly, an addict is good at hiding his or her habit. However, there are behavioral, physical, and cognitive symptoms that may result from painkiller misuse or its side effects.

Behavioral Signs

  • Hampered work performance
  • Low impulse control
  • Isolation from family and friends
  • Shopping for doctors
  • Heightened irritation and agitation
  • Mood changes

Physical Signs

  • Poor appetite
  • Slowed respiration
  • Heart problems

Cognitive Signs

  • Confusion
  • Poor memory
  • Inability to make good decisions

After a person admits that a problem exists, early intervention is essential. Swift intervention may keep an individual from experiencing full-blown addiction that causes devastating health effects. Long-term use of these drugs may harm organs like the heart and liver. Many studies have shown that early substance abuse treatment and aftercare increase the chance of successful recovery and wellness of the patient.

Choosing the Right Rehab Program

When selecting a rehab program, there are many things to consider. Every person has unique needs. There is not one guaranteed drug addiction treatment service, however, there is an evidence-based drug rehab program for drug abuse. The right addiction treatment program depends on the drug use, the length of time that the drug has been used, and a person’s home situation.

The first decision is choosing between inpatient and outpatient treatment. Inpatient treatment is quite intensive. A patient lives in an addiction treatment center provider and receives constant healthcare and monitoring. This is best for a person with a severe painkiller addiction. A partial hospitalization program is a bit less intensive. Usually, a person spends the day receiving treatment and returns home at night. This is a good option for a person with a family at home. Outpatient rehab is the least intensive. A person attends therapy sessions but keeps a job and lives at home.

Despite the rehab center, it is vital to have a personalized treatment plan. To repeat, no two people have the same situation. A personalized plan addresses an individual’s mental, physical, and emotional needs, and behavioral health. Matching a person which could be you or your loved one with the most appropriate therapy options is key and the improvement of their well-being. Many times, individualized therapies include individual, family, and group counseling sessions.

Detoxification Process

During detox, a person’s body is rid of the drug that is being misused. It is the first step of the recovery process. As a person starts detoxification, withdrawal symptoms occur. In the beginning, an individual may be irritable or anxious, sweat excessively, and experience muscle aches. Later, a person may have abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and increased breathing. He or she may have extreme chills as well. Along with the physical symptoms of detox, cravings may take hold.

Detoxification can be dangerous. Seizures and other health complications can develop. Therefore, it is best to have medical supervision. This provides constant monitoring and keeps a patient comfortable. In certain cases, medication may be given to help with the transition away from painkillers.

Therapeutic Approaches in Rehab

Behavioral therapy is very effective for treating drug addiction. It helps a person uncover the reasons behind the misuse. Also, it teaches tools that help manage situations that may lead to relapse.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This therapy lowers behaviors that are linked to substance misuse. The patient is taught how to anticipate circumstances that place him or her at risk for use. Also, an individual identifies the underlying reasons behind the problem.

Motivational Therapy

This treatment helps a patient become motivated to begin treatment and attain long-term recovery. It lowers doubts and worries about quitting the drugs and encourages positive changes.

Group Therapy

Assembling as a group of individuals who suffer from similar painkiller misuse issues brings several benefits. In particular, it offers community support, which decreases isolation. It becomes a team effort and allows a person to watch others gain successful outcomes.

Family Therapy

Any type of drug addiction, including a problem with painkillers, affects the user and his or her family. Family therapy can help every member understand the situation and learn ways to help. This support system plays a key role in recovery.

Holistic Therapies

Taking a holistic treatment approach can help with sobriety. While other therapies treat symptoms of addiction, this focuses on the whole person. In other words, it allows a patient to improve his or her habits and make positive lifestyle changes. When an individual’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met, stress and anxiety are decreased. Forms of holistic treatment include yoga and mindfulness.

Addressing Underlying Issues

In certain cases, a person may experience a painkiller addiction and a mental disorder. For successful recovery and effective treatment, the underlying psychological condition must be diagnosed. Co-occurring disorders complicate the situation. However, both problems must be addressed. When a mental health issue is not treated, the misuse problem can become worse. An experienced and trained medical professional can identify a dual diagnosis and work to create a plan of treatment. In painkiller rehab, cognitive behavioral therapy is often a helpful tool. Medication management is utilized as well.[2]

Relapse Prevention and Long-Term Recovery

Painkiller rehab teaches a patient how to avoid temptations. Triggers are identified, and a relapse prevention plan is formed. For example, a person may feel that certain friends encourage use. During recovery, it is important to enter different social groups. Inpatient treatment makes it easy to avoid triggers from the outside world. Returning home can be difficult. To remain on a straight path, certain individuals choose to enter a sober house setting. Others may continue individual or group therapy on an outpatient basis. Ongoing support is the basis of long-term sobriety.

Pain Management Post-Rehab

Although people may still experience pain after rehab, there are alternatives to manage the discomfort. Some individuals enter physical therapy programs that include exercise. This improves bodily function and lowers pain. Acupuncture is another option. This Chinese method uses tiny noodles to interrupt pain signals. People with severe and chronic pain may use nerve blocks to stop discomfort.

Practicing regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and receiving adequate amounts of sleep are lifestyle modifications that can alleviate pain. All of these activities keep hormones balanced and decrease inflammation.[3]

Legal and Social Considerations

Many states have tried to enforce laws that address the drug addiction problem that faces the nation. Unfortunately, when a person is incarcerated with charges that stem from a painkiller addiction, it brings negative social stigma. After release, many people find that it is impossible to gain employment. Luckily, some programs help people rebuild personal and professional relationships. It is possible to become a productive citizen after recovery.[4]

Success Stories

Even though many people feel that painkiller addiction is impossible to overcome, facts tell a different tale. Dr. John, Kelly, a professor at Harvard Medical School, explains that most people recover and live healthy lives. One woman explains that her addiction was extremely bad. Despite various relapses, treatment helped her gain long-term sobriety. This information displays hope for people in similar circumstances. During times of deep depression and sadness, a life of sobriety can be achieved. Also, it is possible to manage pain without medication.[5]

Resources and Support Systems

Support groups and community resources are vital parts of addiction recovery. Centers like Long Island Intervention provide care. Also, local “12-Step” meetings are offered. After a person admits that a problem exists, it is possible to receive help. Families of addicts can find solace in groups as well. When a strong support system is in place, the chances of recovery are heightened.[6]

Importance of Rehab for Painkiller Addiction

Painkillers can cause terrible health consequences. They are quite addictive as well. When a person becomes dependent, help is available. Treatment provides care during detox and sets a patient on a positive path. An individualized plan delivers therapy that targets personal issues. Identifying triggers, learning coping mechanisms, and uncovering healthy ways to alleviate pain can lead to long-term recovery. If you want support for your addiction issues, call us today.



Published on: 2023-12-27
Updated on: 2024-10-14